The FM Pipeline (501c3) team’s Facilithon high school FM talent program  grew by three states this year, adding New Jersey, Kentucky and Maine to a total of 20 states with the possibility of more states joining prior to the school year’s end.   The Facilithon program serves as the first-date centerpiece of FM Pipeline’s facility management student experience, supported by their 1 in 30, FaciliTopicsWellhead programs, turning ordinary high school students into extraordinary FM candidates.

The Facilithon is a national-level SkillsUSA competition, supported by volunteers interested in furthering FM talent, currently in increasingly short supply. FM Pipeline Team’s national director, Carolyn McGary shared, “Our true success comes from our volunteers. Their hard work and passion are the fuel that keeps this pipeline flowing and we couldn’t do it without them”.

Among association liaisons, the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE), has lent its horsepower to the programs’ effort as a formal next-gen collaborator in 2024 toward furtherance of the Facilithon and specifically the Wellhead(c) program, which serves as a direct link between their graduating young adults and prospective employers.

FM Professionals and their suppliers are encouraged to participate in regional SkillsUSA events in their state prior to attending their larger state conferences.  Chairman Jim Zirbel quoted, “Go to a regional SkillsUSA event and offer to help judge. They’ll be happy you did and you’ll come away inspired and smiling. Of the 445,000 in SkillsUSA, as many as 1 in 4 are excellent candidates for FM. SkillsUSA is such a tremendous organization to be part of and we’re sharing this video for facilities-oriented folks to join us at these events.”

The FM Pipeline Team, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to engaging, enlightening and energizing our #NextGenOfFM.